Upgrade PostgreSQL Database (Cluster) from one Major Version to Another
Table of Contents
Context ∆
I'm in the process of finally upgrading my Debian install from oldstable (buster) to stable (bullseye). My DAViCal installation uses PostgreSQL for its database backend. Strangely, I have two versions of PostgreSQL (9.6 and 11) and I purged the older one (without deleting the databases, thankfully).
It turns out that the databases are not compatible between major versions and my beloved CalDAV server stopped working!
Re-install older PostgreSQL Version ∆
Searching for the problem returns plenty of results, but all of them assume that I still have both versions installed; the newer version simply cannot read the older databases anymore.
Thankfully Debian still provides both packages and I can install them with dpkg
#> dpkg -i postgresql-client-9.6_*.deb
#> dpkg -i postgresql-9.6_*.deb
If you installed them the wrong way around remember to run:
#> dpkg --configure postgresql-9.6
Migrate the Cluster(s) ∆
- Stop the postgresql service:
systemctl stop postgresql
- Open a session for the
user:sudo -iu postgres
- See what you have with
(both should bedown
) - Stop and delete the newer (11), empty, default cluster:
pg_dropcluster --stop 11 main
- See what you have with
(should be only the older one now) - Migrate the 9.6 cluster to the current version:
pg_upgradecluster 9.6 main
(...lots of output...) - See what you have with
(should be two again) exit
user sessionsystemctl daemon-reload
,systemctl start postgresql
,systemctl start postgresql@11-main
No, it's not working. No systemctl error messages, however I noticed that
the migrated database is running on a different port than the old one
PHP is still listening on the old port
systemctl stop postgresql
,systemctl stop postgresql@11-main
to use the old port -
systemctl start postgresql
,systemctl start postgresql@11-main
If you see Can't open PID file /var/run/postgresql/11-main.pid (yet?) after start: No such file or directory
in systemctl status, try manually restarting postgresql:
sudo -iu postgres
/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pg_ctl restart -D /var/lib/postgresql/11/main
Final Cleanup ∆
I purged postgresql-9.6, but I'm leaving the old database until the new one has proven itself in daily use.
[ #> su - postgres -c 'pg_dropcluster --stop 9.6 main' ]
#> apt purge postgresql-9.6
#> apt --purge autoremove
Next major Version Upgrade ∆
This time from 11 to 13.
Again, I forgot to take care of things before uninstalling the old postgresql verison, and had to reinstall it manually via dpkg
After a long struggle, this command seems to have done it:
sudo -u postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/pg_upgrade \
-b /usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/ -B /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/ \
-d /etc/postgresql/11/main/ -D /etc/postgresql/13/main/
Also see here.
Trouble again ∆
I finally migrated my Debian server from 32 to 64 bit. Crossgrading, it's called, and it is possible without a complete reinstall!
Everything worked, with only a little friction, but once again PostgreSQL failed. Bloody hell. This time it complained about this: FATAL: incorrect checksum in control file
, and a quick web search revealed that the databases are binary incompatible between 32 and 64 bit.
But I learned a lot in the last 24h, and installed the 32bit versions of the postgresql binaries:
#> dpkg --add-architecture i386 # I had only just removed it
#> apt update
#> apt install postgresql-13:i386 postgresql-client-13:i386
Don't be surprised, it will install a ton of 32 bit dependencies, but should only uninstall the postgresql 64 bit binaries!
DaviCAL works again. That wasn't so bad.
To hopefully avoid future pitfalls, I have installed a weekly dump (to a plain text script) of all databases.
The script postgresql-13-dumpall
sh#!/bin/sh cd /var/lib/postgresql/dumpall || exit 1 file="$(date +%Y-%m-%d).db" printf '%s\n' "-- To reload database(s) from this file, you can use:" "-- $ psql -f $file postgres" > "$file" pg_dumpall >> "$file" tar -czvf "$file".tar.gz "$file" && rm "$file"
The service:
ini[Unit] Description=Weekly PG Backup Documentation=man:pg_dumpall After=postgresql.service network.target network-online.target systemd-networkd.service NetworkManager.service connman.service [Service] Type=oneshot User=postgres Group=postgres ExecStart=/var/lib/postgresql/postgresql-13-dumpall KillMode=process TimeoutStopSec=900
The timer:
ini[Unit] Description=Weekly PG Backup After=database-daily-backup.timer [Timer] # every monday 3am: OnCalendar=Mon *-*-* 03:00:00 RandomizedDelaySec=1h Persistent=true [Install] WantedBy=timers.target