Qt apps do not respect cursor theme under Xorg
Other solutions involve installing Plasma integration, but this would pull in most of KDE. Fortunately, Qt apps still respect X resources. Add this to your login profile (e.g. ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.xinitrc): export XCURSOR_THEME="$(awk -F= '/gtk-cursor-theme-name=/ {print $2}' "$XDG_CONFIG...
Base16 color scheme previews
Previews for my collection of Base16 color schemes.
I always thought that Xplanet is one of those ancient X apps that work despite being totally outdated, with aliased edges and overall painful graphics. Turns out I was more than half wrong. It's derived from xearth which has been around since 1993. Xplanet itself seems to have been around since at ...
Pygments style gallery
Contains the base16 styles from this repository plus the default/builtin styles of Debian stable's version of Pygments. Each code block contains a few lines from the top of the generated CSS style, then some random python code. Pygments supports these lexers. The content below was created by pygsgal...
Syntax highlighting plugin for PicoCMS
The README of the PicoPygments plugin (active in this blog) repository, which uses Python-Pygments and a variety of CSS styles for code block syntax highlighting.
Change XTerm's Window Icon
Venerable and versatile XTerm. Carrying cruft from four decades. I am a big friend of lightweight terminal emulators - I want them to pop up immediately, without having to run a daemon. Despite all its baggage, xterm is extremely fast. Change the Window Icon (pixmap) The default icon is absolutely h...
Change Application Window Icons Elegantly
The situation Sometimes you want to change the icon an application displays e.g. in the panel but cannot for some reason. Changing the icon theme does not help, and the application has no means of telling it to use another icon. Changing the icon referenced in the software's .desktop file (usually ...
Pico CMS TagBlog Theme
Symlink to README.md of the repository of the tagblog theme (as seen in this blog), with screenshots and instructions.